
FeedbackFruits Pilot: Initial Stages

We are pleased to announce that our pilot of FeedbackFruits has officially begun, and participants are now using the platform to support students’ academic writing skills and feedback literacy via AI-powered feedback.  The pilot runs until June 2024.

Having received tailored training from FeedbackFruits on how to use and deploy the platform effectively, the institutions listed below are using the AI functionality in a variety of subject areas, from nursing to psychology – business studies to access to HE courses.   

  • Cardiff and Vale College 
  • The Education Training Collective 
  • Sandwell College 
  • University Centre Leeds 
  • The University of Bradford 

Their motivations for using the platform are equally varied. Some participants are particularly interested in reducing teacher workload on lower-order, repetitive feedback to improve the consistency and timeliness of feedback on higher-order writing skills; while others are eager to explore how FeedbackFruits can improve learner agency and autonomy. A further key motivation is to introduce students to AI in a structured way. 

Through the pilot, we aim to gain a deep understanding of how effectively FeedbackFruits achieves these benefits, and where its greatest strengths lie. During the final two months of the pilot, therefore, we will conduct an evaluation in which we’ll gather feedback from users and stakeholders on how the platform adds value and how well it performs. Responses to online surveys will give us a macroscopic view of users’ perspectives, meanwhile through focus groups and interviews we’ll dig deeper into people’s experiences with FeedbackFruits. 

Once completed, the evaluation will be available on our website, and we’ll share its publication via our mailing list (do sign up, if you haven’t already). 

We look forward to sharing the findings of this pilot with you later this year, and we look forward to further collaborations with our members in the near future. 

Find out more by visiting our Artificial Intelligence page to view publications and resources, join us for events and discover what AI has to offer through our range of interactive online demos.

For regular updates from the team sign up to our mailing list.

Get in touch with the team directly at


By Tom Moule

Senior AI Specialist at The National Centre for AI in Tertiary Education

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