Advice and Guidance AI in Education Community

HE Generative AI Literacy Definition

AI literacy is essential for navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of generative AI (GenAI). We have framed our approach around three fundamental areas—Terms, Tools, and Tasks— to create a comprehensive approach to understanding and applying GenAI effectively. Adopting this model should ensure that staff members are not only equipped with a theoretical understanding of how […]

Advice and Guidance Resources

FE Learner Resources on AI: Insights from Our Working Group

Introduction Earlier this year, we formed a working group to discuss and develop AI literacy resources for further education learners. The aim of this group is to enhance AI literacy among learners, equipping them with the knowledge needed to navigate generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI). Meetings overview The working group has met twice. Our initial […]

AI in Education Community

Generative AI Literacy for FE Staff

At the start of the year, we asked for volunteers to join a working group to explore FE AI literacy, with the group deciding to focus specifically on generative AI literacy. The aim is to provide staff with reference for their journey to becoming literate with generative AI. In our previous blog post, we discussed […]

Advice and Guidance

AI Literacy Webinar Series for Inset Training Weeks in June

With the ever-changing world of AI, it is difficult to keep up and stay on top of the changes. To help, we have put together a series of 5 webinars to explore Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in education. We understand that the last few weeks of the term can offer a bit of breathing space […]

Advice and Guidance

RAG: Can we stop LLMs making things up?

When ChatGPT was first released, there was (and perhaps still is) some confusion with what it was doing. We mostly got used to the fact that it was, in effect, a text prediction tool, albeit one trained on vast amounts of data, with often quite amazing abilities.  This meant that it was prone to making […]

Advice and Guidance

Artificial Intelligence drop-in clinic

To complement our AI Literacy sessions, we are running a series of monthly practical drop-in clinics. The idea is that you can simply drop in and ask questions about how to use AI tools and anything about the AI literacy training and future training needs. We will be running the drop-in clinics each month. The […]


AI Literacy Webinar Series: How to Access the Recordings and Presentations

We hope you have been able to join our newly developed series of five AI literacy webinars. These sessions are designed to cover crucial topics such as understanding generative AI, its practical applications, AI safety, accessibility, the use of AI tools in daily life, and getting creative with AI. Upcoming Webinars: June: Everyday Generative AI […]