
TeacherMatic Pilot Launch

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new pilot, in which FE institutions will get the chance to use the AI platform Teachermatic. TeacherMatic is a tool that uses generative AI to help teachers create resources and teaching materials.

The aim of Teachermatic is to make educators lives easier by leveraging AI tools. The platform allows teachers to save time and assist with workload. Teachermatic provides a toolkit that can create a variety of essential materials for educators, such lesson plans, learning activities, quizzes, as well as the ability to customise and personalise materials to meet the unique needs of students.

We will select 6-8 pilot institutions to participate, each institution will be given access to 50 Teachermatic licences for 12 months. The aim is to create and develop teaching, learning and assessment content.

How will the pilot run?

The pilot will run in two phases, phase one will run between May and June 2023. Then phase two will run until winter 2023/2024.

Phase one

At the end of phase one in June 2023, 5 to 10 licence holders from each institution will take part in a focus group to review the Teachermatic tool. Participants will be asked to give feedback about the ease of use and quality of materials created, whether they feel it has saved them time and if they would continue using Teachermatic regularly.

Phase two

During phase two in winter 2023/2024 all licence holders will be asked to evaluate and review Teachermatic resources and teaching materials in practice. Each institutions pilot manager will complete a 1:1 interview and licence holders will be asked to complete a survey.

Expected Workload

As part of the pilot, we ask that participating institution commit to the following:

Institutions will appoint a pilot manager who can commit:

  • To facilitate and attend a training webinar held by Teachermatic
  • To manage and distribute licences
  • To contribute and facilitate pilot reviews

Licence holders will need to commit to:

  • To commit to attend a training webinar held by Teachermatic
  • To create and review content using Teachermatic
  • To commit 5 to 10 licence holders to be able to take part in phase one pilot focus group review and evaluation in end of June 2023
  • To contribute to phase two review and evaluation winter 2023/2024.


What  Phase  Institution responsibility  Jisc responsibility  When
Formally enter pilot Setup A senior member of the institution and pilot manager will sign a legal agreement The Jisc team will provide and sign a legal agreement May 2023
Teachermatic licence allocation Planning The institution and pilot manager will provide licence access to Teachermatic The Jisc team will provide Teachermatic licences June 2023
Training Planning All attend Teachermatic training webinar Teachermatic will hold training webinars June 2023
Use Teachermatic to create and develop teaching, learning and assessment content Phase One The institution will use Teachermatic to develop teaching, learning and assessment content The Jisc team will answer all institution questions June 2023
Initial review Phase One The institution will commit to 5 – 10 licence holders attending a focus group to review the ease of use and quality of materials created, whether they feel it has saved them time and if they will continue using Teachermatic regularly. The Jisc team will hold focus group with each intuition with 5 – 10 licence holders June 2023
Further use of Teachermatic Phase Two The pilot manager will monitor use of Teachermatic.

Teachermatic licence holders will continue to develop teaching, learning and assessment content

Jisc team will monitor the pilot June 2023 – Winter 2023/2024
Collecting feedback Evaluation The pilot manager will meet with Jisc team to discuss and evaluate Teachermatic.

Teachermatic licence holders will contribute to Teachermatic pilot review.

Jisc team will hold interviews with each institution and collate reviews. Winter 2023/2024

Expressing Interest

For the pilot, we suggest that institutions focus on using Teachermatic to develop content for a variety of subject areas.

The pilot will run from May 2023 until June 2024. We aim to have reviewed prospective institutions and have selected piloted participants by 31st May 2023.

If you are interested in participating, please complete this form before the noon on 26th May 2023 to express your interest.

You can find out more about Teachermatic by visiting their website.

If you have any further questions for us, please email

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By Paddy Shepperd

Senior AI Specialist

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