We’ve been listening to feedback on around our Jiscmail lists, and are changing how they work.
The list has grown to around 2000 people, and people join for a mix of reasons. One of the main ones is to get regular updates about AI in education events and activities, and the other is to chat with likeminded colleagues about the key topics. In the early days these two aims sat well together, but increasing the volume of traffic that a ‘hot topic’ generates is causing issues for those that just want key updates. Although Jiscmail has a ‘digest’ function, in reality it doesn’t work so well, as each email typically includes the entire discussion history.
Arguably, email isn’t the best platform for discussions, but Jiscmail works so well because it’s so simple to engage with. So we are going to stay with Jiscmail, but split the two uses into separate lists.
The list is primarily aimed at those working in educational institutions in the UK, and is administered by Jisc’s AI team, who support the responsible and effective use of AI in tertiary education in the UK.
We’ve always asked people to use their institution email addresses when they sign up, and this requirement will remain.
Existing List: aied@Jisc.ac.uk
Jisc AI Information List
This will focus on:
- News from Jisc.
- News from members about AI events, publications and so on that are of interest to the wider AIEd community.
- Requests for information or questions to the community, but the response should be to the sender, not the list, and the sender can then summarise the responses they receive and post this back to the main list.
All members are all still welcome to post to this list to share information, but we are asking people not to respond to messages posted on this to the whole list. Use this list to reach the widest audience possible. This list will be moderated, so we will approve messages before they appear to make sure they match the guidelines above. This may mean a slight delay in messages appearing.
Click here to subscribe to the AIEd Information list.
New list: aied-chat@jiscmail.ac.uk
Jisc AI Chat List Information List
This is the list to chat about AI in education issues in any way you want. It is aimed at those working with AI in education on a regular basis, and who are happy to get a much higher volume of traffic, especially when discussion moves to a ‘hot topic’ like AI detection!
This list won’t be moderated, and you are free to respond to the whole list on any messages.
Click here to subscribe to the AIEd chat list.
As I mentioned before, we’ll shortly be adding new lists focussed on research use of AI. We’ll do this once we are happy this new list approach is working for everyone. Let me know (directly) if you have any feedback on any of this.
Find out more by visiting our Artificial Intelligence page to view publications and resources, join us for events and discover what AI has to offer through our range of interactive online demos.
For regular updates from the team sign up to our mailing list.
Get in touch with the team directly at AI@jisc.ac.uk