Advice and Guidance

Generative AI for College and University trustees

As technology advances, the role of Generative AI (GenAI) in tertiary education is expanding significantly. GenAI can boost personal productivity, save tutor time and provide students with new tools to support their learning. Yet, it also introduces challenges such as safeguarding privacy, ensuring data security and maintaining academic integrity.

This presents a challenge to institutions to implement GenAI responsibly and effectively to prepare students and learners for an AI-augmented workplace.

It’s essential for board members at colleges and universities to grasp this technology due to its profound potential impacts on student learning and campus operations.

Developing an understanding of the GenAI education landscape

Understanding how GenAI works and the constraints you will need to work within will enable board members to make effective strategic decisions.  Questions to ask yourself include:

Have I tried a GenAI tool?

If not, do you know where to find support? Consider whether your institution offers training sessions that you could attend. Our GenAI Primer is also available to provide a comprehensive understanding of these tools.

Do I know the government’s position?  

DfE published guidance in October 2023 Generative AI in education

Scottish Government publish its AI strategy August 2022

Do I know the constraints around assessment?

College trustees should refer to JCQ guidance updated February 2024

University trustees should refer to their institutional Assessment and GenAI policy and guidance.  If this does not exist refer to QAA published guidance May 2023

Do I know what learners/students are saying?

Has your institution surveyed learners for their views?  If not refer to our 2024 Students Perceptions of GenAI report

Do I know the impact on jobs?

DfE published The impact of AI on UK jobs and training November 2023

PWC published its 2024 AI Jobs Barometer

Understanding the landscape of generative AI in education equips you to support your institution’s effective and responsible AI implementation.  By asking targeted questions, you can ensure that GenAI deployment aligns with your institution’s strategic vision and is conducted responsibly.

We include some suggested questions here:


It is important that institutions have a clear strategic vision for GenAI to align emerging technologies with their existing educational objectives and potential for new opportunities. This will ensure GenAI is implemented responsibly and effectively.

    • What is our strategic vision for AI?
    • Are we using GenAI to enhance the student experience and improve learning outcomes?
    • What new opportunities such as global learning programmes can GenAI facilitate?  And what threats?
    • In what ways can GenAI help us streamline processes such as enrolment, scheduling, energy use and resource management to reduce costs?


Establishing governance structures for GenAI ensures its responsible and effective implementation across educational institutions.

    • How frequently are we conducting regular strategic reviews to ensure GenAI initiatives keep pace with new developments and continue to align with our evolving educational objectives?
    • Have we reviewed and updated all relevant policies and guidance since the inception of GenAI?
    • Do we have a plan to regularly review and update these as GenAI technologies and educational practices evolve?
    • How are we assessing the long-term sustainability of GenAI technologies?

What risks are associated with embedding GenAI technologies?

    • What are the risks to student and staff privacy from AI data collection and processing?
    • How are we ensuring the security and confidentiality of data handled by GenAI tools?
    • What measures do we have in place to protect against breaches and unauthorised access??
    • Are there potential legal risks associated with GenAI usage, such as non-compliance with data protection regulations?
    • Do we have appropriate procurement guidance in place for GenAI tools and other systems increasingly embedding AI functionality.



Supporting learners/students to responsibly and effectively use relevant GenAI tools in their study will give them the skills they need to thrive in future employment.

    • What do we have in place support learners/students to understand and use GenAI responsibly in their studies?
    • How are we promoting equitable access to GenAI tools for all learners/students?
    • How are we managing the balance of supporting GenAI literacy and preventing over-reliance?
    • Are we preparing our learners/students for the AI enabled world they will be working in?


Ensuring staff have the knowledge, skills and confidence to safely, responsibly, and effectively embed generative AI within their practices is essential.

    • What training programs are in place to ensure that all staff are competent in using GenAI tools safely and effectively?
    • Have we established clear guidelines and policies for the responsible use of GenAI tools?
    • How do we monitor the use of GenAI tools by staff to ensure compliance with our policies and guidelines and effectiveness in their roles?
    • Are we encouraging and supporting staff to innovate using GenAI tools within our AI policies and guidance and share with colleagues?


Academic Integrity

Maintaining academic integrity as institutions implement GenAI is key to ensuring that educational outcomes remain valid and reflective of genuine student learning and capabilities

    • Are we adapting our assessment strategies to ensure they accurately evaluate student/learner understanding and creativity in an environment where GenAI tools abound?
    • Are we supporting staff to design GenAI adapted assessments and give them the necessary resources to uphold our academic standards?
    • Are we collaborating with other institutions to share best practices for maintaining academic integrity?

As colleges and universities embrace GenAI, trustees are crucial in guiding these changes to ensure responsible and effective implementation and support educational objectives. These questions provide a useful toolkit for navigating this emerging and complex technology and its impact on tertiary education.  By addressing these key areas, trustees can keep their institutions at the forefront of educational innovation, ready for the evolving demands of a GenAI enabled world.


Find out more by visiting our Artificial Intelligence page to view publications and resources, join us for events and discover what AI has to offer through our range of interactive online demos.

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