Community Meetups

Reflecting on this year in AI with the FE community

Our last community meetup session of the year took place on the 4th July with around 30 members taking part. We engaged in some excellent discussions around the way approaches and perceptions to AI have changed over this academic year in FE, and considered priorities for the new year.  We kicked off the meetup by […]

Advice and Guidance

Generative AI as, or in, Assistive Technology

Over the last few months, we’ve had many conversations around generative AI for accessibility. These have been hugely positive and have highlighted many of the opportunities AI presents to make education a more accessible experience, which we’ve also explored in a previous blog.  We’ve also become aware though that there are some emerging, and perhaps […]

Community Meetups

Exploring approaches to Generative AI with the FE Community  

This month’s AI in FE community sessions were all about sharing approaches to generative AI use in FE.   Coleg Sir Gar’s Generative AI Journey For the first part of the sessions, we were joined by Bryony Evett, from Coleg Sir Gar, who shared their institution’s evolving journey with generative AI. They have developed their approach […]

Community Meetups

Discussing AI for Accessibility in FE

For this month’s AI in FE community meetups we held two sessions, both focused around AI for Accessibility and were joined by members of over 30 FE institutions from across the UK.   We began with some scene setting discussing the existing role AI has played in key assistive technologies and the developing role of generative […]

Advice and Guidance

Product Notes – Explorance MLY 

In the Jisc AI team we spend a lot of our time exploring different AI tools and services, assessing their potential to enhance education. With that in mind we are launching Product Notes, a new blog series, to share our knowledge and findings with all of our members. In each entry in this series, we’ll […]


Jamworks pilot: Initial stages

We are pleased to announce that our pilot of Jamworks, an innovative platform which uses generative AI to produce transcripts, notes and additional resources from lecture recordings, has officially begun. We had a huge amount of interest in this pilot and want to thank all institutions who took the time to apply. Several institutions have […]

Advice and Guidance

Considering image generation and education today

Image generation in everyday AI   In late 2022 we looked at what was available to try out image generation, we recommended a few popular demo tools to try including Hugging Face’s Stable Diffusion demo, Dream Studio and Dalle-2. As with text-generating tools, we’ve since seen a huge increase in both the capability and availability of […]

Community Meetups

Exploring uses of AI across the FE community

This month we had around 60 attendees joining to discuss the use of AI in Further Education at our second community meeting.  We started with a brief presentation on some of the pilots run by the Jisc AI Team team over the past couple of years to showcase the variety of tools we’ve seen.   […]

Community Meetups

Discussing AI safety with the FE community

On Tuesday 28th November we held our first AI in FE discussion clinic, with just over 50 members from around the UK joining us online to discuss issues around AI safety in FE.   AI Safety in FE  The first half of our session was led by Senior AI Specialist, Paddy Shepperd, who gave a […]

Advice and Guidance

Generative AI and accessibility in education 

AI has long been integral to many assistive technologies, and we have seen over the course of this year that there is considerable exploration occurring around the use of generative AI to enhance accessibility in education. In this post we look at a few of the emerging uses we’ve seen as well as discussing some […]