
A review of Jisc’s chatbot webinar

On Friday 27th January 2023, Jisc’s national centre for AI in education were joined by Dr Andrew Cox (University of Sheffield), Neil Dixon (Anglia Ruskin University) and Dr Tim Coughlan (Open University), who co-delivered an absorbing webinar on the topic of chatbots.  Andrew and Neil kicked off the session with an interactive workshop, where participants […]

Advice and Guidance

Exploring the potential for bias in ChatGPT

Summary Bias can be defined as AI that is systematically unfair to certain groups of people The data that ChatGPT is trained on contains many forms of bias. OpenAI have tried to mitigate this by introducing human feedback in the training. This prevents some of the worse behaviour seen in previous chatbots such as Microsoft’s […]

Advice and Guidance

AI Bias and Explainability Webinar Resources and Further Reading

In January 2023 we held a webinar to introduce the concepts of bias and explainability in AI, and how we should consider these when thinking of using AI tools in education. This post is primarily for attendees and viewers of the webinar and aims to list the resources we mentioned, so the resources are presented […]

Advice and Guidance

AI & Accessibility: The present and potential future of automated transcriptions

Automating transcriptions and captions is perhaps one of the most widespread uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in education today.  When aiming to increase accessibility, these technologies— which frequently combine Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to produce text from audio —are a key focus. Indeed, the provision of captions for pre-recorded materials is a […]


AI and Assessment Webinar Report and Reflections

Last week we hosted a webinar looking at how artificial intelligence has the potential to disrupt student assessment.  In this post we reflect on the event and share some of the ideas generated and questions asked. The topic certainly seems to be of wide interested, with over 130 attendees. We started with a quick poll […]

Advice and Guidance

GPT-3 and Plausible Untruths

There’s no doubt that GPT-3 and other generative AI models are hugely impressive.  We have shown how it could write a reasonably good short essay in a previous blog post and shown how to explore its ability to generate impressive images another post. Impressive as they are, it’s important to understand the limitations of these […]

Advice and Guidance

Exploring the environmental impacts of artificial intelligence

We firmly believe that artificial intelligence can transform education for the better. But we are also aware that for AI to be a force for good, it must be used in a responsible way. The environmental impacts of AI are hence of paramount importance.  In this blog, we introduce some of the key issues around […]


AI Maturity Webinar Resources and Further Reading

  In November 2022 we held a webinar to introduce our maturity model for AI for education. The webinar expanded on the concepts discussed in our blog post A Maturity Model for AI in Tertiary Education. This post is primarily for attendees of the webinar and aims to list the resources we mentioned.  We’ve also included […]

Member Stories

Interested in receiving formative feedback on your draft essays and dissertations on demand? Introducing Warwick’s “AI Essay-Analyst”

Harnessing recent progresses in the area of deep learning and Natural Language Progressing (NLP), Warwick Business School (WBS) and the University of Warwick recently developed in-house the “AI Essay-Analyst”, an academic-writing-tool that provides students with around 15 pages of formative feedback following voluntary submission of students’ essays or dissertations. Dr. Isabel Fischer, Associate Professor (Reader) […]

Advice and Guidance How-To Guides

Legacy post: How to Explore AI Image Generation

Legacy post: AI is a fast-moving technology and unfortunately this post now contains out of date information. The post is now available just for those that need to reference older articles. We have a more recent post exploring image generation available here. Introduction Over the last few months, we have seen huge advances in the […]