
AI Literacy Webinar Series: How to Access the Recordings and Presentations

We hope you have been able to join our newly developed series of five AI literacy webinars. These sessions are designed to cover crucial topics such as understanding generative AI, its practical applications, AI safety, accessibility, the use of AI tools in daily life, and getting creative with AI.

Upcoming Webinars:

  • May: AI for Accessibility
  • June: Everyday Generative AI Tools
  • July: Getting Creative with Generative AI

If you would like to attend the live webinars, please register here: Jisc Training

Accessing Recordings:

If you missed the live webinars, you can access the full recordings or opt for shorter, segmented versions.

AI Literacy Webinars:

Session 1: What is generative AI and how do we use it?

Session 2: AI Safety

Session 1: What is generative AI and how do we use it?

Topics Covered:

  • Understanding generative AI: Exploring its evolution, capabilities, limitations, and concerns.
  • Practical demonstration to create AI prompts and generate content using tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, or Microsoft Copilot, and critically evaluate AI-generated content for relevance, accuracy, and bias.
  • An opportunity to reflect on the potential impacts of AI on the workforce and consider the next steps to preparing learners for an AI world.

Presentation available for download: Session 1: Presentation

Full Webinar: What is Generative AI and how do we use it?

Segmented Access:

Segment 1 AI: What is it?

Segment 2 AI: How do we use it?

Segment 3 AI: How could you use AI in your role?

Session 2: AI Safety

Topics Covered:

  • Exploring the concept of AI safety, an overview of concerns, age regulations, data entry protocols, and terms and conditions, along with issues of misinformation and fairness
  • Enhancing knowledge on improving privacy and security in the use of generative AI, alongside reviewing relevant tools, and policies
  • Delving into the responsible use of AI
  • A look at AI with copyright and intellectual property (IP), focusing on challenges and opportunities

Presentation available for download: Session 2: Presentation

Full Webinar: AI Safety 

Segmented Access:

Segment 1: What does AI safety mean to you and what issue we may encounter? 

Segment 2: How can you use AI and stay within the Law?

Segment 3: What can we do to navigate Gen AI responsibly? 

What’s next?

At the end of each month, we will publish the recordings so stay tuned.

Additional Resources

We’ve compiled a toolkit titled “Guiding Your AI Journey: Essential Resources,” divided into distinct support areas: Strategic, Supporting students/ learners, Supporting staff, Maintaining academic integrity, Safe responsible use and AI tools: Guiding Your AI Journey: Essential Resources.



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