Over the last six months Jisc Licensing has been negotiating with publishers and providers of online content seeking to include clauses in our licences that restrict the use of their content in artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Jisc believes that AI, when used responsibly, can be a legitimate tool to enable learning, teaching and research, which […]
We’re changing the way we share our regular updates going forwards. Feedback is that our newsletters are interesting but increasingly long as AI activity continues to develop at pace. We’ve therefore decided to split the activities and from now on we will still send our regular newsletter but focus on sharing our own news, practical […]

The transformative power of generative AI in Higher Education (HE) is undeniable and as the technology continues to evolve, institutions are facing the challenge of developing policies and guidelines that ensure ethical and effective use. In response to numerous requests from our members, we are launching a call out for examples of AI policies and […]
At the start of the year, we asked for volunteers to join a working group to explore FE AI literacy, with the group deciding to focus specifically on generative AI literacy. The aim is to provide staff with reference for their journey to becoming literate with generative AI. In our previous blog post, we discussed […]

Over the last few months, we’ve had many conversations around generative AI for accessibility. These have been hugely positive and have highlighted many of the opportunities AI presents to make education a more accessible experience, which we’ve also explored in a previous blog. We’ve also become aware though that there are some emerging, and perhaps […]
May HE Community Lean Coffee
We started this meeting with a discussion about copilot 365, which we are currently piloting. We wanted to use it to create the meeting summary and notes for the session, and have published a separate blog to share how effective this was. Then moving into our standard lean coffee format, using Padlet this time. Discussion […]
I’m starting this blog with an admission: this is my favourite feature so far of Copilot365. For some reason, and even I don’t understand why, I have a real passion for making a page of my notepad last as long as possible and writing minimal notes, in random places on the current page. The current […]

This month’s AI in FE community sessions were all about sharing approaches to generative AI use in FE. Coleg Sir Gar’s Generative AI Journey For the first part of the sessions, we were joined by Bryony Evett, from Coleg Sir Gar, who shared their institution’s evolving journey with generative AI. They have developed their approach […]

I recently attended the Microsoft 365 Copilot ‘Prompt-a-thon’ roundtable, an event that provided insight into the potential of Copilot 365 within the public sector at their office in London. A few of us on the team have licenses for Copilot 365 and have been giving it a go in our day-to-day work (read Michael’s thoughts […]
About Jisc’s Artificial Intelligence Program of Pilots Jisc’s Artificial Intelligence team provides resources and guidance to facilitate the ethical and effective adoption of AI across the sector. A key area of the team’s work is running pilots of promising AI tools and products with Jisc members. These pilots provide members with the opportunity to gain […]