Community Meetups

FE Community Digifest Meet-Up

On Wednesday the 13th of March we ran our first face-to-face community session at Digifest at the community hub. This year’s Digifest included a large focus on AI and amongst the highlights was the unveiling of the AI Guiding Principles for FE Colleges in collaboration with AOC. A Deep Dive into the AI Themes The […]

Member Stories

Navigating the AI Wave: Fears Regarding AI’s Role in the Future of Education

This guest post is authored by Faith Amorè Wallace (She/Her) Faith is an international student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in psychology. She aims to navigate the evolving landscape of AI in education, shedding light on its transformative potential and the imperative need for thoughtful policies to harness its full benefits. ‘We tend to overestimate the […]


Insights from Digifest 2024

We had a fantastic time at Digifest last week, which attracted 847 attendees in person and a further 1057 online, providing a glimpse into what the future of education could look like. We had a stand showcasing the work we do in the Artificial Intelligence team, including our AI demos and blogs. We had excellent discussions […]

Community Meetups

Update on FE AI literacy working group

AI is of course much more than just generative AI, and a full discussion around AI literacy would need to cover more traditional AI uses too, for example predictive models, adaptive learning, image recognition, recommendation engines and many other tools and techniques.  Generative AI is the hot topic now though, so the groups discussion focused […]

Advice and Guidance

Navigating Excel with a Gen AI Tutor

We are often asked about how we integrate AI into our everyday tasks and how it helps us to work more efficiently. While generative AI serves various purposes, one helpful function we’ve discovered is its assistance in navigating Microsoft Excel, whether that be providing step by step guidance on formulas or describing complex tasks. For […]


Jamworks pilot: Initial stages

We are pleased to announce that our pilot of Jamworks, an innovative platform which uses generative AI to produce transcripts, notes and additional resources from lecture recordings, has officially begun. We had a huge amount of interest in this pilot and want to thank all institutions who took the time to apply. Several institutions have […]

Advice and Guidance

An introduction to copyright law and practice in education, and the concerns arising in the context of GenerativeAI

Introduction Legislation and developing case law will, in time, clarify the legal obligations for Generative Artificial Intelligence tool providers as well as for rightsholders and users. In the meantime, Generative AI is evolving rapidly and, as debate continues around its role within teaching, learning and assessment, the issue of ownership and of the laws of […]

Advice and Guidance

Considering image generation and education today

Image generation in everyday AI   In late 2022 we looked at what was available to try out image generation, we recommended a few popular demo tools to try including Hugging Face’s Stable Diffusion demo, Dream Studio and Dalle-2. As with text-generating tools, we’ve since seen a huge increase in both the capability and availability of […]

Advice and Guidance

Our AI in Education Maturity Model – an update for 2024

One of first outputs our AI team produced, first released in March 2021, was our ‘AI in education maturity model’ –  a tool to frame conversations about institutions journey on adopting AI. The model has proven useful, but obviously an awful lot has happened in the world of AI since then. When we first created […]

Advice and Guidance

Principles for the use of AI in FE colleges

Artificial intelligence is already transforming education, the workplace, and society.   These principles have been created by Jisc in partnership with the Association of Colleges (AoC) Technology Reference Group. They are intended for colleges to adopt as a statement of intent, guiding strategic direction. They aim to help colleges navigate challenges and maximising the opportunities […]