Advice and Guidance

Considering image generation and education today

Image generation in everyday AI   In late 2022 we looked at what was available to try out image generation, we recommended a few popular demo tools to try including Hugging Face’s Stable Diffusion demo, Dream Studio and Dalle-2. As with text-generating tools, we’ve since seen a huge increase in both the capability and availability of […]

Advice and Guidance

Our AI in Education Maturity Model – an update for 2024

One of first outputs our AI team produced, first released in March 2021, was our ‘AI in education maturity model’ –  a tool to frame conversations about institutions journey on adopting AI. The model has proven useful, but obviously an awful lot has happened in the world of AI since then. When we first created […]

Advice and Guidance

Principles for the use of AI in FE colleges

Artificial intelligence is already transforming education, the workplace, and society.   These principles have been created by Jisc in partnership with the Association of Colleges (AoC) Technology Reference Group. They are intended for colleges to adopt as a statement of intent, guiding strategic direction. They aim to help colleges navigate challenges and maximising the opportunities […]

Advice and Guidance

Voice cloning, AI twins and deepfakes: threat or useful tool? Or both?

We are all becoming increasingly aware of the challenges around AI deepfakes.  With elections looming this year, there are many concerns about how it might impact the outcomes. Every week we are hearing new and disturbing stories.  I was in a conversation with some parents who were considering using safe words so their family would […]

Advice and Guidance

What AI skills will learners need?

Context This post shares the key findings from a series of staff development workshops delivered at a further education college in the north of England. In the workshop, we asked staff what they understood about how artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to impact the skills required by industry in the future. A range of curriculum […]

Advice and Guidance

Exploring the GPT Store

Two months ago, OpenAI announced the launch of GPT’s (Generative Pre-trained Transformers), custom versions of ChatGPT powered by its text- and image-generating AI models (e.g. GPT 4 & Dalle 3).  These tools allow users to combine skills, instructions and knowledge to perform most tasks within the limitations of a large language model. We covered the […]

Advice and Guidance

From Principles to Practice: Taking a whole institution approach to developing your Artificial Intelligence Operational Plan

We’ve been delivering a lot of sessions recently around taking a whole institution approach to moving into operational Artificial Intelligence (AI) and therefore thought it would be useful to share some thoughts to support those embarking on this journey. Adopting a comprehensive, institution-wide approach to operational AI is vital to ensure that all departments and […]

Advice and Guidance

Learner Guidance for FE

(Note: updated 23rd Jan 2024 ) We’ve had lots of interest in the best way to provide advice to learners in colleges.  One approach is to clearly seperate policies (which are more formal statements) from more friendly, learner facing advice.  In this blog post we’ve created an example of learner advice for comment and feedback. […]

Advice and Guidance How-To Guides

Empowering Educators by Harnessing Generative AI Tools: How to use Google Gemini

A series of guides part 4 of 4 Welcome to the concluding instalment of our Empowering Educators by Harnessing Generative AI tools. Google Bard was part of Google’s LaMDA family of large language models, Bard has undergone significant evolution, transitioning first to the PaLM model and subsequently to Gemini. Google Gemini is a multimodal tool, […]

Advice and Guidance How-To Guides

Empowering Educators by Harnessing Generative AI Tools: How to use Microsoft Copilot

A series of guides part 3 of 4 Welcome back to this blog post series Empowering Educators by Harnessing Generative AI Tools. In this blog post, we will look at another AI tool available created by Microsoft. We will look at Microsoft Copilot which recently had a name change from Microsoft Bing Chat Enterprise. This […]