Product Pilots

TeacherMatic Pilot – An Overview of Generating Resources Using Generative AI in Further Education

About Jisc’s Artificial Intelligence Program of Pilots Jisc’s Artificial Intelligence team provides resources and guidance to facilitate the ethical and effective adoption of AI across the sector. A key area of the team’s work is running pilots of promising AI tools and products with Jisc members. These pilots provide members with the opportunity to gain […]

Product Pilots

TeacherMatic HE Pilot – Using TeacherMatic in the Higher Education Space

Following our pilot of TeacherMatic with eight Further Education (FE) colleges, we decided to explore its potential within the Higher Education (HE) sector. In early 2024, we launched a new pilot with seven universities: University College Birmingham, Stranmillis University College, University of Chester, University of East Anglia, University of Strathclyde, University of Sunderland and University […]

Product Pilots

FeedbackFruits Pilot: Initial Stages

We are pleased to announce that our pilot of FeedbackFruits has officially begun, and participants are now using the platform to support students’ academic writing skills and feedback literacy via AI-powered feedback.  The pilot runs until June 2024. Having received tailored training from FeedbackFruits on how to use and deploy the platform effectively, the institutions […]

Product Pilots

Jamworks pilot: Initial stages

We are pleased to announce that our pilot of Jamworks, an innovative platform which uses generative AI to produce transcripts, notes and additional resources from lecture recordings, has officially begun. We had a huge amount of interest in this pilot and want to thank all institutions who took the time to apply. Several institutions have […]

Product Pilots

Pilots going forward

We’d like to share some thoughts about the way forward with pilots.  First, we’d like to thank everyone who’s expressed interest or taken part – they have been every bit as successful as we hoped, and then some. They have proven to be extremely popular – almost too popular. we are now getting way more […]

Product Pilots

Jamworks Pilot Launch

We are excited to announce the launch of our next pilot project, in which colleges and universities will get the chance to use Jamworks – a platform that uses AI to transform lecture recordings into well organised notes and interactive study materials – between January and May 2024.  We are now encouraging expressions of interest […]

Product Pilots

Kicking off our HE TeacherMatic Pilot

Jisc’s National Centre for AI in Tertiary Education (NCAITE) has again teamed up with TeacherMatic. This time we want to investigate how the generative AI tool TeacherMatic works with our Higher Education members. The aim is to evaluate how the use of the generative AI tool can be used to create teaching and learning content […]

Product Pilots

FeedbackFruits Pilot Launch

We are excited to inform you of the launch of our next pilot project, in which colleges and universities will get the chance to use FeedbackFruits – a platform that uses AI to improve students’ academic and professional writing styles by automating feedback on structural elements like citation, academic style, grammar, and structure, leaving teachers […]

Product Pilots

HE TeacherMatic Pilot Launch

In the National Centre for AI in Tertiary Education team, we’re pleased to announce the launch of a second year-long TeacherMatic pilot. We are currently piloting this with eight Further Education Colleges, and the initial feedback is very positive, particularly around saving time.  We would now like to explore how well this translates to higher […]

Product Pilots

Anywyse Pilot – using AI to generate audio resources

About the National Centre for AI’s program of pilots  The National Centre for AI in tertiary education (NCAITE) aims to accelerate the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. One of the ways the team is achieving this is by leading a series of pilots, allowing Jisc members to gain direct experience of implementing AI, […]