Advice and Guidance AI in Education Community

HE Generative AI Literacy Definition

AI literacy is essential for navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of generative AI (GenAI). We have framed our approach around three fundamental areas—Terms, Tools, and Tasks— to create a comprehensive approach to understanding and applying GenAI effectively. Adopting this model should ensure that staff members are not only equipped with a theoretical understanding of how […]

Examples of AI in education

Navigating the Future: Higher Education policies and guidance on generative AI

In our previous blog, we highlighted the transformative potential of generative AI in Higher Education (HE) and called for examples of AI policies and guidance from the HE sector. The response has been fantastic, and we are excited to share more examples from our community. We hope that these will help institutions develop thoughtful, ethical, […]

Advice and Guidance

AI and Jisc’s Leadership Survey

Each year at Jisc we run a leadership survey, which is sent to leaders in HE and FE, with responses from vice-chancellors and principals, technology and library strategic leaders and more.  The latest was sent during the spring of this year. The survey asks several questions about the perception of Jisc and our services, the […]

Examples of AI in education

Navigating the Future: Share your Higher Education policies and guidance on generative AI

The transformative power of generative AI in Higher Education (HE) is undeniable and as the technology continues to evolve, institutions are facing the challenge of developing policies and guidelines that ensure ethical and effective use. In response to numerous requests from our members, we are launching a call out for examples of AI policies and […]

AI in Education Community

Kicking into Autumn with our first HE Community Call

Yesterday we had our first community meeting call, attended by an enthusiastic group of 68 members, setting a positive tone for the year ahead. Engaging Discussions in the Lean Coffee Format We embraced the Lean Coffee format, sparking three vibrant discussions that brought forward a variety of perspectives. Copyright Concerns A key topic of debate […]

Examples of AI in education

Generative AI: Lifeline for students or threat to traditional assessment?

Co-authored by Marieke Guy, Head of digital assessment, UCL and Chris Thomson, Jisc. As generative AI embeds itself into the world, understanding students’ perspective on what it means for their learning and assessment is more important than ever. We live in fast moving and concerning times. The leaders at our HE institutions have found themselves […]

Examples of AI in education

AI Map launched to highlight pioneering applications of AI across UK colleges and universities 

Highlighting innovation AI is sometimes thought of as a futuristic technology, the impacts of which are far from imminent. In the tertiary education sector, however, this is definitely not the case. Many colleges and universities across the UK are currently harnessing AI to enhance teaching and learning, improve the student experience, and increase productivity – […]